For Professionals:
For Families by Stages of Growth:
For Professionals:
Please click on the category titles below to expand and collapse the resources.
▸ Support
- Join a CCC:
Connection-Connection Call with fellow professionals (Launching 2018) - One Family Now (Launching 2018)
▸ Info & Products
Why Dads Leave
- Why Dads Leave Book
- Existing Website: Why Dads Leave
- Chapters 1 & 7 – Download PDF here
For Families by Stages of Growth:
Please click on the category titles below to expand and collapse the resources.
▸ Before the Birth
- Birthing the Future & The Human Attachment Project
- Womb Ecology
- Waterbirth International
- Midwifery Today Magazine
- Mama Hypno: One Birth at a Time
- Easy Birthing with Hypnosis
- Birth & Bonding International
- The Infant Parent Institute
- Lotus Fertility Intuitive Doula Services
- Pre & Perinatal Education: Trauma Prevention
- Circumcision Resource Center
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- Genital Autonomy – America
▸ Transitioning as Parents, Infancy, the Early Years
- Why Dads Leave—Insights and Resources for When Partners Become Parents, by Meryn Callander
- Why Dads Leave reveals the cultural and generational forces that are colluding to create an unacknowledged epidemic of disappearing dads. The book describes John Travis’s hypothesis of Male Postpartum Abandonment Syndrome (MPAS)—fathers leaving their families, physically or emotionally, soon after the birth of a child. Nearly twenty years in the making, this book provides insights and practical ways of preventing and healing the insidious and devastating impact of this dynamic. Let’s stop the epidemic of disappearing dads and disconnecting parenterships.
- Attachment Parenting International
- Becoming Us
- BEBA Family Clinic
- Gottman Institute, Bringing Baby Home
- The Infant Parent Institute
- Touch the Future
- The Foundation for Infant Massage and Family Bonding
- Not Just Skin
▸ Parenting/Co-parenting
- Attachment Parenting International
- Mothering Magazine
- Enjoy Parenting
- Heart-to-Heart Parenting
- Our Emotional Health
- Connection Parenting
- The Book Fairy Pantry Project
- Families for Conscious Living
- Jai Parenting Institute
- Healthy Child Online, Products to Get You Started with Peace of Mind
- Brené Brown’s Parenting Manifesto
Parent Coaches and Training to Become a Parenting Coach
- Consciously Parenting
- InspirED Education
- Joyous Family: A New Vision for Children
- Kindred Media
- The Natural Child Project
- Nourishing Across Cultures
- Parental Intelligence Online Newsletter (archives)
- Parenting as a Hero’s Journey
- Dr. Toy: Parenting Product Recommendations
- Transforming Parent-Child Relationships
- Waldorf in the Home, Formerly Informed Family Life
▸ Relationship Support
- Authentic Relationship Coaching and Support, Susan Campbell
- Gottman Relationship Institute (Courses, Books, Games, Email “The Marriage Minute” – 60 second tips & tools)
- Relationship Fun, and Games, Raj & Gaby Sundra
- Ultimate Relationship Program, Tony Robbins and Cloé Madanes
- Hold Me Tight, Sue Johnson
- Smart Couple Podcast & Resources, Jason Gaddis
▸ Personal Healing
- Center for Nonviolent Communication
- Quest Institute Healing Retreat
- Mankind Project
- John Breeding, Wildest Colts Resources and Counseling
- John Wineland
- Sterling Men’s Training
- Woman Within International
- The School of Life
Resolving and re-patterning prenatal and birth trauma imprinting:
- Ray Castellino’s: Castellino Prenatal & Birth Therapy Training
- BEBA Clinic
- Myrna Martin’s Pre and Perinatal Healing for babies and up
▸ Building Community
▸ Comic Relief